Saturday, September 20, 2008

I Scream, You Scream, Ava Screams for Ice Cream

A couple of weeks ago we spent a beautiful weekend afternoon in Utica at the Velvet Ice Cream Factory & Olde Mill. Ava got to see goats, an 11-day old calf, a horse, and lots of ducks. There was a band playing and festive atmosphere.

We sat down to enjoy some ice cream - Kris had Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup, I had Mint Chocolate Chip, and Vanilla for Ava. She loves ice cream! It is a treat she has very rarely so it is fun to see the excitement on her face as she rediscovers the taste. I gave her a taste of the Mint and she went crazy! Vanilla was a distant memory. Her focus shifted. Ava would take a bite, sit up straight, and very seriously signed for more.

It was a great afternoon!

1 comment:

katie said...

Looks like so much fun! That was a trip we didn't get around to making this summer...But, when I was pregnant Casey took me there as a surprise one Sunday afternoon. I at a LOT of the chocolate peanut butter cup!

Young's Dairy Farm in Yellow Springs is another fun (and yummy) day trip.